YUI Plugin: Dispatcher - Examples


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problem in IE6

I tried to use your dialog plugin in YUI.
i just added this to call your alert dialog using window object to avoid changes in existing code...

window.alert = function(str)
var tconfig={
var a=YAHOO.Ze.UI.Dialog.notify(tconfig);


this is working in FireFox, but in IE it freeze, It is not responding when i click on ok.
It gives that alert window, but when i hit ok, it not doing anything, but i am able to drag that window. But it is not closing Am i missing anything here... please let me know your suggestion...

Comment by Arivoli - May 19, 2008

RE: problem in IE6

Arivoli, this error is no related with the dispatcher plugin. You're trying to modify the browser alert behavior, and considering that alert will stop the JS execution, I don't believe that you can change that. My suggestions is: implement a global behavior for this task, and call your method directly, instead of calling window.alert.

Comment by Caridy - September 18, 2008

Dispatcher Issue using YUI 2.7.0 Uploader

Hi Caridy - I'm trying to use the Dispatcher plugin to load a YUI dialog box containing the YUI uploader component. It loads correctly the first time, but subsequent attempts to load the dialog fail to initialize the uploader. Any advice? Have you tried this before? How/where should I post my code? Thanks!

Comment by Sam Welter - July 17, 2009

RE: Dispatcher Issue using YUI 2.7.0 Uploader


- Are you using Bubbling 2.1?
- Can you send me a test-case to dig in this issue?

Comment by Caridy - July 21, 2009
Bubbling for YUI 3.x

Dispatcher (gallery-dispatcher)
The Dispatcher satisfies a very common need of developers using the YUI library: dynamic execution of Ajax response content. (new)

Node Accordion (gallery-node-accordion)
The Accordion Node Plugin makes it easy to transform existing markup into an accordion element with expandable and collapsible elements. Elements are easy to customize, and only require a small set of dependencies. (new)

Event Binder (gallery-event-binder)
Binding user actions until a particular YUI instance become ready, and the listeners defined before flushing those events through a queue. This will help to catch some early user interactions due the on-demand nature of YUI 3. (new)

Preload (gallery-preload)
Port of Stoyan Stefanov's JavaScript preload() function. It also has built-in support for Timer Idle to preload files only when the user is idle to avoid any overhead during the initial loading process. (new)

Parent Window Utility (gallery-parent-window)
This utility provides a set of functionalities to interact with the parent window. (new)

- See more modules by Caridy.

Bubbling Library is free open source software under the BSD License

(c) 2006 - 2010 Caridy Patino. All Rights Reserved.

This is one of my side projects, if you need something, just ask!