Bubbling Library > Examples

Wizard Example - Management your forms (YAHOO-CMS: YAHOO.plugin.WizardManager)

Wizard plugin for a login form:


* denotes required field

In this example you will see how the wizard can adopt (YAHOO.plugin.WizardManager.adopt) an area (DIV), and how it will manage the submition events in this area thru the YUI connection manager (using the Dispatcher plugin which is required).

The Wizard uses an Unobtrusive JavaScript mechanism:

Special Note

In this example, you can test the login form with username=admin and password=123

Jasascript Source Code

YAHOO.plugin.WizardManager.adopt( 'myprofilearea', {
morePostData: {'tpl':'ajax'} // for AJAX submit, a new parameter will be included. Use it to identify the request type on the server (submit thru YUI connection maganer or simple browser navigation)